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8 Signs You Date Someone Who’s Toxic

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8. You feel neglected

One of the most obvious ways that there’s something missing in your relationship is when you notice that your partner doesn’t pay that much attention to you anymore.

Whether your love language is a physical connection or not—we don’t mean being intimate; we rather refer to hugs, touches, and simple kisses—you might still want to get those things from time to time.

Everybody needs a bit of physical attention from their significant others, and if they don’t receive it for weeks at a time, that’s definitely a red flag.

When people don’t get the attention, the physical, and emotional connection they crave so much, the relationship can completely change in a way that won’t make either of them happy.

So if you feel neglected, you should definitely talk to your partner and address all the issues that make you feel tired and sad.

…What do you think about zodiac signs? If you like knowing what the stars have for you, then check out this article: Here Are the 6 Most Egocentric Zodiac Signs (Astrologists Say)!

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  1. I said I was never oin to fall in love aain after my ex but I chaned my mind because there are nice women that are not jealous and in common with.

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