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Millennials vs. Baby Boomers: Which Ones Are Happier and More Successful?

millennials vs. baby boomers
Photo by AndriyShevchuk from

5. Finances

We continue with this millennials vs. baby boomers “war” by saying that finances are another thing that is very different from one another.

Baby boomers are likelier to have higher home equity and pensions, while millennials might have student debt.

Our younger companions don’t shy away from using technology in this domain either, and they use different apps to help them manage their finances or invest in index funds to grow their income.

Millennials also know that there might be times when being savvy doesn’t always pay off, so they don’t mind spending more money on things they want, such as vacations, electronics, gym memberships, nights out, eating out, or fashion choices.

Baby boomers, on the other hand, allow their money to grow without much intervention, and they are very mindful of their budget when they think about purchasing something.

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