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11 Things Narcissists Will Say to Mess With Your Head

Photo by Gorodenkoff from

“You’re always trying to pick a fight with me”

They make you feel guilty each time you attempt to communicate your feelings or clarify why you feel bad. They dismiss everything you try to tell them and make you believe that your only objective is to anger them.

This is a trap! This is part of their manipulation technique. You don’t need to feel bad for wanting to discuss the problems of the relationship or the way you feel about things.

Narcissists believe that by making you feel inadequate or as if you are attempting to fix them or pick a fight, you will eventually stop, and in this way, they think they can do whatever they want without any consequences.

“I’m already dealing with so much, and now you just make it worse”

Narcissists are known for their displays of self-pity, and this is the best example. If they are trying to show you during an argument how difficult it is for them to live their day-to-day life and how you are inflicting them with so much pain when they are already in a miserable position, you should watch out!

This is probably just their way to signal that they want your attention. They’re also making you feel bad, telling you that it’s your fault, and by doing this, they hope to get your love and affection.

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