8 Things About Yourself You Need to Keep Secret 

zodiac signs that talk behind your back
Photo by Ekateryna Zubal from shutterstock.com

Lies and gossip

“We inherited the genes that predispose us to give special attention to those negative aspects of our environments that could be harmful to us,” says psychologist and happiness researcher Timothy J. Bono, PhD. Gossiping is one tool to harmful environments.

Gossiping and talking about other people is never a good thing. Apart from affecting your reputation, sooner or later, what you said will reach the person you talked about and things will not end up on a good note.

If you have the reputation of a gossiper, people will start avoiding you. So, don’t be that kind of person. Don’t talk about other people, no matter what you think of them. Just mind your own business, keep things in a positive note and positive things will happen to you. The same goes for swearing. Don’t soil your inner world with bad words which only attract negativity.

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  1. Money

Your income should be confidential. If not to save yourself from envious people, then, to protect yourself from dishonest and opportunists, who might want to take advantage of you. Not to mention thieves!

You talking about how much you make can cause unexpected problems and even loss of income. You will attract a sort of negativity that can affect your financial well-being in surprising ways. Therefore, stick to what an old saying promotes: “Money loves silence!”. So, shhh!

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