8 Things About Yourself You Need to Keep Secret 

Plans for the future

We are so accustomed to telling others about our life plans, and experience great pleasure when describing what is going to happen. But has it ever happened to you to share something with a close person only to see your plan fail shortly afterwards? It’s not necessarily the other person’s fault, but, as experience has shown, plans and dreams should not be told to anyone.

That’s because even people you trust can be envious and jealous of your success. Even if there are no physical actions on their part, their thoughts can materialize and affect your plan in surprising ways. “Allowing a negative person to dictate your emotions gives them too much power,” explains psychotherapist Amy Morin. Moral of the story? Just keep your plans to yourself!

  1. Arguments and conflicts

Some things are better kept private. Like what happens with your family members. Telling others about the number of arguments you have with your life partner and the reasons behind them can turn against you. For one, you put your partner in a bad light, thus, putting yourself in the same spot. People will make a bad impression about your spouse or other family member you are arguing with, solely based on your narrative.

Secondly, the people you love might feel betrayed and disappointed when finding out that you have been badmouthing them in front of other people. What happens in your family, should stay in your family. Sure, it’s good to ask for advice from friends on certain family-related issues, and venting might do you good sometimes. But at the end of the day, filter the information you give and also the opinions of other people.

Check this out: 6 Terrible Ways You Sabotage Yourself (and How to Stop It)

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