Help and benefits
Helping people is nice. However, bragging about it is definitely not a nice thing to do. You might be excited and feel good about doing good deeds, but be careful how you tell this to others. It might seem like you are boasting about what a good person you are and that’s not the point you should be making.
If you’ve done something good that helped others, try curbing your enthusiasm when speaking about it with other people, even if it is to make others aware of those in need. Sharing just a few details or not sharing at all will protect you against negative vibes and thinking.
It’s normal to feel happy about your successes and wanting to share your good news with someone else. But instead of sharing your positive energy, others might feel jealous and envious on your accomplishments. Some might not believe it, but negative energy can affect your future attempts and accomplishments.
This is why you are better off without telling everyone about your success. Just keep your mouth shut and enjoy the good things that happen to you without telling anyone anything or dedicating your success to someone in particular.