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10 Things BAD Mothers-in-Law Have in Common

Photo by rfaizal707 from Envato

#3 They Give Out Way Too Much Unsolicited Advice

Any daughter-in-law would have a serious issue with this, even if they aren’t even near their in-laws. Because mothers-in-law are well-known for providing guidance on everything from carpet cleaning to maintaining a neat home to preparing the perfect meal for their adult child, there is no disputing their tendency to do so.

However, most of the time, such advice is unwelcome and unwarranted, which is to be expected. Anybody can benefit from the knowledge of an older person, but when that advice is given abruptly and with a backhanded compliment, that’s when it crosses the line.

Nobody wants to advise their mother-in-law to “put a sock in it,” but there are times when it’s practically necessary to do so when cringe-worthy advice is being offered one after another.

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