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10 Things BAD Mothers-in-Law Have in Common

Photo by Rawpixel from Envato

#2 They Want to Take Part in Your Heated Arguments

This goes much further than having the mother-in-law of the child defend them in a dispute that has absolutely nothing to do with her. Even if the woman had the best of intentions when she intervened and attempted to mediate the conflict, she was engaging in a situation that had nothing to do with her or her adult child, but rather with the marriage that her daughter or son was in.

And her child’s wife will never, ever invite her mother-in-law into the midst of a heated dispute that has probably already upset the mother-in-law enough for her to become agitated at the sight of the next nuisance.

 It’s not about the mother-in-law, as is the case with the majority of issues in the marriage.

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