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9 Signs Your Partner Manipulates You a LOT

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4. They say it’s only a joke

This is manipulation at its finest, and it comes in 2 ways. And trust me, it’s never a good sign. The 1st type is when your partner starts saying different things about you, like you’ve gained weight or lost too much weight, you were more attractive a few months ago, and so on.

You get upset because you believe they’re being mean to you, but they say that they were only joking and that it’s your fault that you take things so seriously.

Now let’s discuss the 2nd type of manipulation that you can experience in a relationship. This typically occurs when you’re in public and they start making jokes about you.

If you show them that you’re mad or say something in response, they might tell you that you make a scene and there’s no need for something like that.

If your partner does any of these things, it’s time to tell them that you feel like they’re not being nice to you, and maybe you’ll find a way to deal with this unpleasant situation.

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