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9 Signs Your Partner Manipulates You a LOT

Photo by fizkes from

2. They want proof you love them

Manipulation is not easy to spot, and as hard as it might sound to believe, sometimes it can even seem innocent.

For instance, if your significant other ever says, “If you loved me, you’d make me my favorite dinner now” or “If you loved me, you’d always do the dishes when I’m at work,”

These tricks are used by people to make you feel guilty for not meeting their expectations, and you end up feeling unworthy, tired, and shameful. There’s also a possibility that they don’t realize what kind of behavior they have and say those things because they want to make sure you care about them.

Don’t get me wrong; this isn’t an excuse, and if you feel like there’s something weird between you and your partner, you shouldn’t waste time and speak to them ASAP.

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