4 Silly Superstitions Americans Still Believe

Photo by Sebastian_Studio from Envato

#3 The Spilled Salt

Have any people you know ever dropped salt and then paused what they were doing and tossed it over their shoulder? You know, in order to prevent ill fortune? I am aware that I have. And I’ve observed a large number of people doing this automatically without realizing why.

There are various possibilities, yet it is unclear where this practice first began. Let’s go back to Judas once again. He may be linked to the unlucky 13, as we already observed, and he may also be responsible for this superstition. Judas can be seen tipping the salt over in Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “The Last Supper.” People started to associate salt with deception because of his part in the Bible. 

Additionally, others claim that the devil is waiting behind your left shoulder, continuing with the biblical theme. Therefore, when you drop the salt, you offer the devil a chance to participate in your life. What is one to do in this circumstance? Toss the salt you poured over your shoulder into the devil’s eyes in order for him to see no more and for you to save yourself!

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