4 Silly Superstitions Americans Still Believe

Photo by pathdoc from shutterstock.com

#2 “Bad News Comes in Threes”

Bad news always appear to come in threes; however, this could just be confirmation bias. Even now, when a well-known person passes away, everyone waits to find out who the next two will be. What does it all mean? 

In a way, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Groups of three have always sparked our curiosity. One is arbitrary. Two might be a coincidence. But three… well, three is already more than a coincidence. We always try to decipher the meaning of this “magical” number.

The sequence of three remains a belief with a significant following today, despite the fact that its origins are up for question. There may be some validity to this myth, or perhaps we are just searching for patterns of three. Who knows?

Is it psychology or numerical mysticism? Groups of three are popular and simple to spot in the day to day life. These kinds of findings give some people a purpose. After all, we’re inherently drawn to patterns.

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