10 Tips to Achieve Work-Life Balance

Photo by northallertonman from Shutterstock

9. Allow for Flexibility

Having a work-life balance doesn’t mean that work and personal life always represent exactly 50% of your energy and time. There will be moments when you’ll have to give more of that to one than the other.

The key is to be aware of the importance of balance in your life and establish a system that works for you. Also essential is being flexible in creating new routines as needed. What’s really great about flexibility is that it allows you to visualize short-term adjustments in the context of a much bigger picture.

A good example is your work hours. Even if you work 8 hours per day, meeting an out-of-town good friend for lunch may mean leaving a few hours early one day. If your job allows it, being flexible and staying a few hours late the next day to make up for it helps you avoid missing work and meet your professional and personal obligations.

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