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These 9 Zodiac Signs Are Narcissists by Nature, Experts Say

Photo by Nicoleta Ionescu from

4. Leo

People who identify as Leo want the spotlight. Trust me, they truly want it, but they’ll never admit it. They have a reputation for being self-absorbed.

For instance, I know some Leos who are absolutely the best people ever, but they can get a little annoying at times. I don’t know how they do it, but they’re almost always right.

They know they have natural leadership skills and the ability to captivate an audience. People born under the rule of the Sun are classic examples of narcissists since they are always trying to prove to you that they know better. They are the epitome of the word “overconfident.”

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4 Responses

  1. Unfortunately narcissism cannot be boiled down to zodiac sign , this article is click bait and doesn’t acknowledge factors that contribute to the making of a narcissist. Or how truly abusive and vile narcissists are.

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