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These 9 Zodiac Signs Are Narcissists by Nature, Experts Say

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2. Taurus 

Sometimes, people born under the Taurus sign feel they are superior to everyone else and deserving of the greatest possible outcomes.

What they do is for their personal benefit, and they justify it by telling themselves that they deserve nothing but the best. They have trouble putting themselves in other people’s shoes and tend to be insensitive.

Don’t get us wrong; they try their best to be understanding and get along with those around them, but sometimes it’s harder than it seems.

Some people say that those born under the rule of Venus constantly put their needs first. However, they truly love their family and would do anything in their power to help them.

On the other hand, they are skilled manipulators who might also be superficial and obsessed with possessions.

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4 Responses

  1. Unfortunately narcissism cannot be boiled down to zodiac sign , this article is click bait and doesn’t acknowledge factors that contribute to the making of a narcissist. Or how truly abusive and vile narcissists are.

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