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These 9 Zodiac Signs Are Narcissists by Nature, Experts Say

Photo by Nicoleta Ionescu from

1. Scorpio 

If a Scorpio has lately been injured or deceived, they might become very egotistical. This fuels their already strong need for retribution, which might make them difficult to deal with.

But if they’re content, they’re not very egotistical, so we can say that it depends on their attitude and personal life.

However, keep in mind that a fight with a Scorpio might end badly if you provoke it. They are very heartless, cunning, and even aggressive.

If they believe you have done something wrong to them, they will do everything in their power to prove it.

Some sources say that these people can’t seem to grasp the immorality of using other people as pawns to achieve their own ends.

They are skilled at shutting others out entirely. If there’s someone toxic in their lives, it won’t stay for too long, because they don’t have a problem with cutting ties or connections.

…Don’t take it the wrong way: these people are fun to be around, but sometimes, they are a little too hard to handle!

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4 Responses

  1. Unfortunately narcissism cannot be boiled down to zodiac sign , this article is click bait and doesn’t acknowledge factors that contribute to the making of a narcissist. Or how truly abusive and vile narcissists are.

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