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These 9 Zodiac Signs Are Narcissists by Nature, Experts Say

Photo by Khosro from

5. Aries 

When it comes to their own needs, Aries are more inconsiderate than egotistical. Even when it’s a close friend or family member, they don’t always put themselves 2nd.

Things might become difficult really fast, despite the fact that their self-assurance and track record as leaders are great for their outlook.

This might lead them to feel entitled, which in turn increases their need for approval from others.

Our psychic reader confirms that these individuals do not have compassion. They lack the empathy necessary to appreciate how their actions affect others around them.

But with a little effort, they can be very good friends and their strong nature will motivate others to work harder and smarter to achieve the things that they want.

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4 Responses

  1. Unfortunately narcissism cannot be boiled down to zodiac sign , this article is click bait and doesn’t acknowledge factors that contribute to the making of a narcissist. Or how truly abusive and vile narcissists are.

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