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6 Ways to Go Through a Midlife Crisis Like a Phoenix

Photo by Girts Ragelis from

1. Pay attention to the changes you’re going through 

Whether we like it or not, changes will definitely occur in midlife. They will come to you all of a sudden, without having the proper time to process them.

The best thing you could ever do is to set aside some time to notice those changes and think about the ways they might impact you. Many people make the mistake of living in the past and thinking how much better their life was before all of these. Don’t do it! It’s not healthy and it will leave you feeling empty and alone!

Other people find that keeping a journal and writing down everything they feel and go through is helpful. If you’re not that much of a writer, you can simply think of your life as it is while you’re drinking your coffee or enjoying a cup of tea in the afternoon.

Is there anything, in particular, that could be useful? Changes are good! Take them as an opportunity to grow, and you’ll notice how your mindset will shift toward something positive!

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