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7 Reasons Why People Talk Behind Your Back

Image By From Shutterstock

#6 They Are Insecure

Because it helps them feel better, people who are insecure often treat others poorly. If they are having a bad day and trying to hide it, they may talk about you to distract themselves. This is especially the case if they don’t want their boss or coworkers to know what’s going on inside of them.

It’s also possible that they feel uneasy because of how you act, but this can’t be very possible since this person has previously met you and shouldn’t feel scared by your big personality.

Nevertheless, you should consider whether your actions made them feel uneasy or intimidated. They might not have realized the reason. In any event, let’s hope that they have grown out of this habit by now and are no longer motivated by the need to minimize others in order to reaffirm their own importance.

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