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7 Reasons Why People Talk Behind Your Back

Photo by Giulio_Fornasar from

#3 They’re Rude and Self-Centered

Mean, self-centered people dislike their existing situations and are dissatisfied with themselves. Maybe they’re miserable in their relationship or at work. They can feel insecure regarding what they have (or don’t have). Whatever it is, it’s caused them to be unhappy rather than pleased with where they are now.

This unhappiness spills over into other facets of life and adds to a pessimistic outlook. People with this mindset frequently feel jealous of people who have what they desire, including those who are happier, more accomplished, more content, or more self-assured than they are. Envy can also be sparked by material wealth.

Everyone seeks happiness in some form or another. Someone who is envious may feel threatened by your happiness since it serves as a reminder of what they too desire but are unable to obtain.

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