4. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Scorpio is an intense water sign that might see the depths of your soul with only one look, but that doesn’t make them romantic individuals. They have this insane magnetism, which makes them extremely attractive. Their passion and mystery are the main traits that might fool you and make you believe that they are romantic.
In reality, Scorpios are always looking to deepen their connection with their partner. They do this because of their curious nature, but this is not all. They also want to get as much as they can from you because they need to fill their internal void.
They want to know everything about you; every little detail is really important to them. Sometimes they can make you feel like they are obsessed with you. You might feel like you are under the microscope, and they closely analyze every part of you and your life.
Scorpio is also a very physical zodiac sign that enjoys exploring the body of their partner and will always be up for trying new things in the bedroom. If we look at things through this lens, we can say that they are romantic in the bedroom. But if you want a partner who is romantic in day-to-day life, then Scropio is not the perfect match for you.
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15 Responses
I could not help but read this. I just finished a relationship with an Aquarius! Yes, he did show he cared in small ways. But very small. I allowed him to express himself any way he wanted which was emotionally hurtful, or scary. I had to think like him or I was stupid, if I disagreed he would asking go off on a thunderous rant, hit walls. HE IS 72!!!! Then he expressed himself in physical ways, which the first time I let it go. The last time!!!!! I was thrown thru a door and hit the ground with a tremendous thud. Bleeding and bruised! It is in the hands of the court now. I am not saying all Aquariuses are like this, but from what you wrote, he took being an Aquarius to a higher level!!!
Wow that’s terrible! Glad you’re away from that jerk but wish you would have left after the 1st time.
That was , “truly,” eye-opening! I was quite surprised by those findings, I would not have guessed those too be the case! I was married to a, Virgo, and his ideas about romance, I could write on the end of my little finger! And, my father was a, Scorpio and my mother always said that his ideas of romance were in the bedroom but daddy never forgot occasions, to prime the pump! Lol!
This not true I’m a Virgo man and I am very romantic. I give my best the version of me to my partner every day of her life, and she pushes me away. And she’s a Leo smh. She run away from true love.
I have been with an Aries and Sagittarius, both great lovers.
This is really easy stuff to understand for anyone not stuck in narrow beliefs. We are part of the universe so why would we not be read by star and Moon signs. Keep up the good work, love it.
Every woman I’ve ever been serious about was a Scorpio. My current Scorpio (Nov 10th) says Scorpio is a sexy sign. My late wife was also a Scorpio (Nov 2nd) and she was pretty cool beans. Very remote and didn’t like to share her feelings with others. She bore two great kids who both agree that Mom was pretty remote. I’m a Taurus (May 2nd) and both our kids are Leo’s. I notice that we didn’t make the dispassionate list. I am a bull and the kids are both real lions.
I am a Libra. I dated a Capricorn. She had had three husbands – two divorces that she filed and a third died. It was the worse experience I had ever had with a human being and I even told her so. She just laughed. She lied about EVERYTHING; was on psychiatric medications (I later discovered this after we had known each other); smoked like a chimney; drank like a fish; cussed worse than a sailor; and actually physically assaulted me when I wouldn’t do something she wanted me to do. However, the sex was great – her only redeeming quality! Probably the best single best sexual experience I had had within the bedroom only. After that, the nightmare came out of her!
Anyone who knows Astrology, knows you can’t just go by the sun sign. It is way more involved than that. Placement of it within the chart, planets affecting it, rising sign, etc….. Each house represents an aspect of life, from career, health, love, etc……
Absolutely correct. You need to see the whole chart for personality traits, etc. You cannot go by sun sign alone.
I’m male 53 and have been alone for quite some time. I will take any sign that I can get. Like they say, beggars can’t be choosers.
I’m a Virgo and my husband is Aquarius. We probably shouldn’t be together but here it is, 50+ years later and we are still romantically together. I Guess those astrologists aren’t always right.
Three bad relationships I’ve been in…a virgo, an aquarian, and a capricorn. I think I will stay away from relationships for awhile! LOL!
Funny enough I am a Virgo and my last relationship was with an Aries and unlike what your article said about both signs when I was with him I felt very comfortable, secure, and safe, even very peaceful inside to where I would even thank God a lot ( to myself of course) for bringing us together
And, again, unlike what your article says I would give him things when I felt the urge and also felt quite close to and romantic with him. The biggest blow to me was when he died because he was the third one that died on me.
The other two died in 2008 one of whom was the Virgo boyfriend that I had been with for 20 years when he died
I love a Virgo man my first love was a Virgo. They are very romantic. I am an Aries and we are great Lovers!!!!!!!