Dream: Your partner cheated on you.
If you’ve experienced infidelity in the past, either in your current relationship or a past relationship, this might keep showing up because it still means something for you.
It’s also worth noting that dreams aren’t prophecies, and if there aren’t any trust issues, then it obviously doesn’t imply that your partner’s actually cheating. Instead, there might be another third wheel to blame.
Maybe you have something in your life that’s taking way too much time and attention away from you.
It could be either a job, golf, friends, or a new baby. Something makes you feel cheated out of that precious time and attention.
9 Responses
Thank you for this. Love it. Always been intrigued by the meaning behind the dream.
I dream I am naked at least twice a week and in my dreams being naked looks and feels perfectly normal to me and from their lack of reaction the others in my dreams feel the same way
The circumstances and settings from my dreams are random and varied like my life has been. I could be grocery shopping or at my cabin chopping wood. It’s the naturalness that makes it memorable.
Sometimes God has to open ourselves to us.You are naked because there are things in your life that you hide from others but deep down you struggle to push them back when God sees and knows all. He is ready to change you and pick you up but you have to surrender to HIM now.
Your zodiac reference tells me a lot about your credibility.
I wake up from a dead sleep like all of a sudden I am terrified I have people standing around me up in my face looking down at me in the bed very scary I have had this dream several times only change in this dream sometimes I see only a glimpse of someone in my room with me when I wake up terrified then this person disappears what does this mean?
I don’t dream! If I do, I never remember dreaming. Why?? I want to!
for Kathy Ann Sturgenson….
When you see a person or persons in your room upon awakening it means you’re having a waking dream, and that’s all that it means; it’s a normal experience. I have had these since 2000 and now have no problem waking up and finding a person or persons in my room. They will instantly vanish if you get up and walk towards them or talk to them, or at least those in my case are easy to zap that way. A flashlight or lamp switch at your bedside will also vanish these people in less than a moment.
But, it’s more instructional and a lot more fun to try to learn to relate to the dream people, talk to them, whatever. They are only dreams, operating overtime. The difference is, that they are often looking at you just like people do at a bus-stop, like they couldn’t care less if you were the one who would vanish…and maybe you are!—at least so far as they are concerned–you turn on the light and poof!!, you’ve disappeared from their room!
I’ve also seen little dream flying saucers in my room as I awake—-about as big as a Quaker Oats cylinder, but like a kid’s toy made in very fine detail, like the 2001 Jupiter ship–I always first see these hovering over in the corner of the ceiling; as soon as I look at them they often softly shove off and just motate across the ceiling, or in the air just below the ceiling. They go in a diagonal across and down, and usually go to a shady corner in the room and just vanish.
There are lots of different kinds of dream things/people and they are the product of that part of the brain (or, those parts of the brain) that cook up fantasies, get-rich plans, lies, double-talk, stories of all kinds. I have been amazed at their very detailed appearance; the detail of their heads, bodies and faces is exact–when the dream has little machine things in it, these too are very detailed and realistic in their appearance and behavior. Stop for a second and you will realize that CGI has nothin’ on you! And it’s free!!!! Really, it’s so much better than video of any kind…
Just two days ago I saw my lady friend floating in the air like the flying saucers, just below the ceiling, doing a full lotus (sitting on her X-closed ankles) and just smiling so happily…
These are all part of the dream process, which is a lot more entertaining than most people let it be. Most deep sleep dreams are B movies at best, but those that happen while you’re just waking up can be lots of fun; they tend to be fully detailed. completely dull and non-threatening, but only sometimes willing to talk. Just don’t get into an argument, you might end up enslaved or something else weird. I’ve talked to other people who have these kinds of dreams, and some are really afraid of being taken prisoner or something. Well, that would be a good science fiction story, but I don’t think waking dreams can take over your mind unless you just give in to fear…which is a very dumb thing to do in a hostile situation. Once you’re sure that someone is trying to imprison you in a dream, just get up and out of bed and chase them out of the house. I’m pretty certain they will just vanish the second you move to get out of bed.
I did once have a waking dream of a yeti…I just tried yelling at him and he was instantly gone.
–the dream people have often looked at me with a kind of bored superiority in their facial experession, and once or twice nodded back to a hello, like that. It’s fun—keep a dream journal, it’s a great conversation piece.
I’ve also had waking dreams of bakelite beatles…actually, now that I think of it, the first waking dream I had covered the apartment walls with black, onyx bath tiles; they entirely covered the apartment walls, and each tile had a very bright, tiny red torch mounted in its center–it looked like I was in an Egyptian tomb–I instantly knew it was a dream, and it was only fun—I had fallen asleep in a recliner–and as sat up, this, like, cubic rectangle of quivering jello emerged from my sternum and rotated its blobby way through the air and across the room where it was absorbed into another easy chair, plain as day….
I no longer have dreams that are that much fun….usually just a little crowd of people who look like they’re waiting for a bus in my apartment. they vanish as soon as I get up and out and around. I keep a little notebook and keep records of each and every dream.
writing down your dreams is a good way to start remembering your dreams better, even if at first you remember just a few fragments. dreams that you have while you’re deeply asleep are rarely as good as waking dreams…waking dreams are like having the world’s best entatinment centers…you could probably train youself to go on train rides, plane rides, make it with mr or ms dreamboat…whatever, for no other price than a little practice….practice involves learning how to relax, relax and to let go of any need for control…let the dream do what it will, it can’t hurt you…just like Elvis says, “you gotta follow that dream wherever that dream will lead you…” and pretty soon, dream interiors will become more and more commodius, if the dream is sure you won’t just blast it out of existence…
well, don’t bother being terrified by these waking dreams; it’s easy as pie to end them, just turn on a light or tell them to get lost–even just looking away for a second often results in them being gone. But, it’s really more fun to let them hang around just to see what they will do or say. If they start getting hostile just get tough with them, tell ’em we don’t like people like them just walking into the place…something like that….if you have nervous parents tell them that they’re just waking dreams and harmless.
while it’s true that deeply psychotic people also see hallucinations, hallucinations are not all of what the mentally do or don’t do: people with serious mental illness usually live very screwed up lives, can’t manage their resoucres or residences, are very uncomfortable with strangers and have odd behaviors that they can’t avoid doing. Most of them are very unhappy people. Just remember, while psychotic people might see ghosts when they wake up, so do a lot of perfectly normal people
Im constantly dreaming that I found the love of my life,he treats me garat and I’m finally extremely happy
you need to buy more clothes.