Inspiring Wishes presents: the best spiritual ways to find the love of your life!
Loving and being loved is one of the greatest things you could ever experience in your life. It makes you feel invincible, strong, happy, motivated, and empowered, but it can also make you experience the lowest points ever. But as an old and cheesy quote says, it’s better to love and to be hurt than not experience it at all.
However, if you’re looking for your special someone, you should know that there are other methods to discover your match beyond conventional dating apps, blind dates, and set-ups.
There are some easy and incredible spiritual ways to find the love of your life and I’m going to share them with you in today’s article. Spiritual love can be found without the need for psychic abilities. It’s a common belief that genuine love finds its way out of oneself, and I’m going to teach you how.
Some people say that you have a higher chance of meeting the right person when you put more emphasis on your spirituality than on conventional dating techniques. With that being said, if you’re ready to feel happy and excited with a new someone, here are my top spiritual ways to find the love of your life.

1. Know what you want
Knowing what you want is one of the most important spiritual ways to find the love of your life. Be specific, and don’t shy away from thinking exactly how you want your ideal match to be. Think about the physical aspect, their behavior, the way they treat you, their personality, their career, and everything else you find important.
You’re the one who knows what you want and need, so don’t settle for anything less than what you truly wish. The universe will know who to present to you once you’ve determined the type of person you’re looking for.
Keep reading to discover the best spiritual ways to find the love of your life!
2. Feel the love you want
You clicked here to discover spiritual ways to find the love of your life, and I won’t disappoint you. If you want to attract the right person, imagine the love you’ll experience after you’ve finally discovered them.
You can even make a vision board to help you enter the state of mind where you can experience their love, or you can think of activities you’d like to do together, of things you’d say to one another, of daily routines, of everything you’d want to feel in real life.
Going back to that vision board, you should add there all the things that genuinely bring you happiness, as well as your ambitions. You can make a digital one or a physical one using cardboard (such as this one from Amazon), pictures from real periodicals, newspapers, flyers, brochures, and posters.
The more you see this vision board, the more you’ll know that you’re ready to welcome love into your life, and when the moment is right, it will come. Trust me.

3. Be comfortable with yourself
Sometimes it’s hard to stay positive when it seems like nothing is coming your way, but these tough moments are those that will turn you into the best version of yourself.
If you have negative thoughts, it’s time to put an end to them and adopt a more optimistic and practical mindset. Take some time to analyze yourself, think about all your likes and dislikes, and learn as much as you can about yourself.
Even if you find several things you don’t like about yourself, accept them and try to improve on every aspect. You will know more about what to look for in your true love by doing that.
Developing a sense of comfort in your skin and body also contributes to radiating positive energy into the universe, which is exactly what you want so you can welcome the best things in your life.
Here’s one of the best spiritual ways to find the love of your life: let go of insecurities and negativity, because these only block the things you want. When you’re confident and you know your strengths and weaknesses, you’re open to receiving and being happy. Act confident, and no one will question you!
Psst! When you’re comfortable in your skin and you’re confident, although you’re not perfect, it means that you know you’re a complete, whole person who can do everything on their own, so you won’t have a problem allowing somebody else to come into your life.
4. Let go of the past
People have a habit of carrying their emotional baggage from the past with them. They might still have regrets about past actions or might still be sad or frustrated about the way they ended things with their former partners.
Process those things, get closure, think about how you grew from those sad experiences, and let the past go. If you keep reliving those moments, you don’t allow yourself to be present and focus on what you have and want now.
Don’t shut down, because that’s not good or healthy either. Instead, give yourself permission and time to feel what you want to feel. If you want to cry, then cry; if you want to be angry, then get angry. Once you’ve felt it, release it and focus on positive things and your goals.
Do you want to discover other spiritual ways to find the love of your life? Then keep reading!

5. Be kind to yourself
Do you love yourself? Do you say mean words to yourself? Do you beat yourself down for things you did or for those you didn’t? Do you think that you’ll only be happy when you’re in a specific relationship or when you have a certain material life?
If the answer to these questions is yes, take this article as your sign to stop. As you can probably tell, these spiritual ways to find the love of your life are meant to give you confidence and make you feel whole.
You need to be patient, accept yourself as you are, strive for the best, be happy, be grateful for what you have accomplished so far, and be ready to enter good things into your life.
These are some of my favorite spiritual ways to find the love of your life! I tried them myself, and I know I’m happier than I’ve ever been! So what’s stopping you from adding these things to your routine? They will only help you.
Have you ever tried any of these spiritual ways to find the love of your life?
6. Trust the Universe
We’re almost done with these spiritual ways to find the love of your life, but we can’t end today’s discussion without making a few things clear. As we’ve already said, everything will happen at the right time, so don’t rush things, don’t be impatient, and trust the process.
However, this doesn’t mean that you should wait for the right person to fall into your lap either. It’s impossible to win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket beforehand, right? The same thing happens here: trust the universe that these spiritual ways to find the love of your life will work, and live your life to the fullest.
Go out, meet people, have fun, go on adventures, say yes to challenges, and pay attention to the signs, because there are many. You could meet the right person where you least expect it, so trust your gut, and if it tells you that something good might come out of a particular thing, I’m pretty sure it’s right.
What do you think about these easy spiritual ways to find the love of your life? Do you agree with any of them? Leave a comment below and let me know! If you’d like to read something else from Inspiring Wishes, here’s an amazing article for you: 5 Signs You’re Living With a Ghost (Can You Fix This?)