Are You an Empath? Here Are 6 Signs and Traits to Look Out For

liar, empath
Photo by Maria Surtu from

You can tell when people are lying!

This sign tunes in to the intuition we have been discussing earlier, as empaths are going to be able to tell when people are not being truthful with them.

Empaths will be able to do this not because they have any sort of “superpower” or anything like that, but rather because their sense of intuition is way more heightened and alert and because they will be able to read the subtle cues people’s emotions around them give them.

It does not mean that you are a walking lie detector, but rather that you can tell when people’s emotions shift and when they do not feel the exact way they say they are feeling. While it can be a great thing to have since you will be able to tell when people are not truthful or trustworthy, but it can also be a huge stressor since it can also happen for close people to lie to you!

If you do not find yourself on this list yet are still easily overwhelmed by people and social interactions seem taxing, make sure that you do not suffer from some mental health issues. That being said, if you’re hesitant about therapy, make sure you read this article to see why you should no longer postpone feeling better!

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