4. Virgo
Who would have guessed that Virgo is among the zodiac signs you should not argue with? It is obvious that the perfectionist Virgo is one fierce sign that will not let you win any argument ever.
They have amazing observational skills, and even more, they are incredibly nitpicky. This is one of the most common traits of Virgos. They will take any small mistake you make and explain to you that it is the worst thing you have ever done. And even more, they will tell you exactly why things are like this because they know and you should know too.
Virgos are ruled by Mercury, which means they are good with words. They have something to say, and they will always say it. They are not the type to hold themselves back when something is not working according to their plan. If something is not aligned with their will, be sure that you will know, and the best move is to not start an argument.
They are extremely intelligent and always have the best arguments. Even if they are not right, they will manage to convince you that their truth is the real truth. Next time you are in an argument with a Virgo, just let them talk and talk, and once they stop, you can move on with your life. Just sit there, smile, and nod, and then move on.