7 Secrets Your Home Reveals About You

Does your home match your vibe? These are the secrets your home reveals about you!

Has this ever happened to you? You enter someone’s home, and, weirdly enough, you get a sense of who they are. Our homes are our sanctuaries, and it is not so strange that they generally match our vibe and tell us a lot about our personalities.

What is interesting, though, is that these clues are most of the time pretty subtle, and it is not that easy to decipher them. From the colors of our walls to the decor, all of them say something about us, our personalities, or our values.

So, are you ready to find out more about the secrets your home reveals about you? Read on and discover some fascinating things about how your living space lets others take a glimpse at the unique person that you are!

secrets your home reveals about you
Photo by Roman023_photogr phy at Shutterstock

1. Do you have a busy desk?

Maybe you want to have that magazine-like, perfect desk that is organized, and you find anything you are searching for in a matter of seconds. But at the same time, that type of environment is too sterile for you, and as a result, you have a messy desk overflowing with papers, sticky notes, and all kinds of clutter.

Analyzing this situation, are there any secrets your home reveals about you? Of course, there are! If you have a busy desk, your mind is constantly in motion. You may be constantly trying new things, and as a result, you are also juggling a lot of projects. There is no time to lose, and you know this better than anyone.

You thrive in dynamic environments, and you are always in for some action. You are incredibly creative, and that desk is only reflecting your inner world.

2. Let’s see what we can find in your pantry

When you hear “secrets your home reveals about you,” you might not be thinking about your pantry, but there is an item many of us keep in there that can say some interesting things about you and your personality. Don’t believe us? Then just swing open that door and get ready!

The beverage you enjoy in the morning is what we are looking for. If you like instant coffee, you are most probably a procrastinator. Or at least this is what a survey led by a clinical psychologist where 1,000 people who have been tested says.

The same survey tells us that those who prefer to drink black coffee are straightforward and don’t accept nonsense in their lives, and latte drinkers tend to be people-pleasers. If you are a tea fan and this is your go-to choice in the morning, you are energetic and young at heart.

3. Do you have any small vignettes?

If you love curling up in a corner with your favorite book and your warm light lamp turned on, and you have various such spaces around your home, we are here to share with you the secrets your home reveals about you.

Having a place with some pants and cushions on your window sill or a nice cozy space under your stairs might indicate that you are an introvert and that, from time to time, you need to spend some time in a secluded space in order to recharge your social batteries.

You need these pockets of calm in your home, and this is how you end up creating these tiny oases here and there. Next time you find yourself relaxing in your cozy place, think that this reflects more than your need to confront.

4. Your favorite chair and your negotiation style

Does your living room have those plush armchairs that look like you are going to sink into them because they are so fluffy? Or do you have sleek, modern-designed chairs that boast clean lines instead of that sink-in softness?

When you prefer sitting in a hard seat, you are probably a more vigorous negotiator. You love haggling, and you are not backing up any challenge. Research says that the hard surface makes you have a more rigid mindset, and this is why those who love this type of chair present these traits.

On the other hand, if you want to sit on a soft sofa, you might not be the best at negotiations. These types of games are not your cup of tea, and because of this, you don’t usually participate in them. You adore comfort in your home and also in your life. Haggling is not for you, and you know this very well.

5. Owning fine art

Bold abstract pieces or classic landscapes both say something about you. Curious about the secrets your home reveals about you? This artistic expression and the fact that your home looks like an art gallery are more than just aesthetics. Those who love art and culture have a deeper connection to the world around them and might encounter more intellectual challenges than those who don’t like art.

These people appreciate the finer things in life, and they are never scared to make a bold statement. But besides all of this fine art, lovers might be good business people. Art is a financial investment, and taking care of it and purchasing it means that you are most probably a business-savvy person.

6. Are you smart with your investments?

As you can see, there are many secrets your home reveals about you, but the bold pieces you have in your home, such as the sofa or the dining table, can say some things about how you make investments.

Do you have a more expensive, well-made sofa? It is clear that you prioritize value and quality, and this is exactly why you bought a nice and long-lasting sofa that will pass the test of time. The timeless design will bring you comfort for many years to come, and you are completely aware of it. You are not a person who follows trends, and you want pieces that look good no matter the trends. You are for the classics.

Next time you see a luxurious sofa or you sit at a fancy dining table, be sure that the owner knows how to appreciate quality and loves spending time with guests.

secrets your home reveals about you
Photo by H_Ko at Shutterstock

7. Look under your bed or in the closet

Of all the secrets your home reveals about you, the way you keep the places that are not seen at first glance may say some dark things about you.

Take a look under your bed. Is it dusty? Do you have a pair of socks there? Also, look into your closet. Is there a mess? If you answered yes, you are most likely one of those who feel chill most of the time and don’t suffer from anxiety.

When people are anxious, they feel like they are not in control of their lives, and they try to regain this control by any means. One popular approach is to control their environment.

If you are obsessed with cleanliness and tidiness, you have a higher chance of being more anxious than most people.

From the way you arrange furniture to the art you have hung on the walls, your home tells a fascinating story. These secrets your home reveals about you are just a starting point because the space you live in is a dynamic reflection of how you live your life. This means it can change as time passes, and this is completely normal.

Next time you enter a home, take a look around and try to see if you can decipher the personality of the owner using these interesting tips.

Want to know more about how to decorate your home in a way that can benefit you? This book might be the perfect read for you: Feng Shui Your Life: A Beginner’s Guide to Using Your Home to Attract the Life of Your Dreams

You should also read: 7 Signs Someone Secretly Dislikes You

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