AVOID These 8 Unfaithful Female Zodiac Signs

Photo by Allexxandar from Shutterstock

3. Leo: The center of attention

This list, which offers us a glimpse into zodiac signs and infidelity, is still not over. Are you ready for the top three most unfaithful female zodiac signs?

On No. 3, we have the Leos. People born under the Leo sign have a clear idea of what they want, and they can usually be described as lively go-getters who do not stop seeking what they are after.

Leo women love being the center of attention and constantly expect grand romantic gestures to feel appreciated and loved, just as they would do the same for their partner.

The methods frustrated Leos may resort to in order to get the attention of their life partners back can sometimes be drastic. It’s in their nature to be very passionate, and when they feel they aren’t getting what they deserve in a romantic relationship, they will not take it well. That’s why an unfaithful Leo woman isn’t breaking news.

The thing about Leos is that they need just a little bit more special attention to feel loved. When Leo women feel underappreciated, they may find other ways to be appreciated, even if it means changing partners. This is what puts them pretty high on our list.

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