5. Scorpio: The vengeful ones
Perhaps you wouldn’t characterize Scorpios as caring, empathetic, and sensitive. In fact, most of us wouldn’t. However, underneath that exterior shell, there are lots of traits we just mentioned.
People born under the Scorpio sign have a strong sense of justice and responsibility embedded in them. Because of this, you may want to think twice before you upset a Scorpio female, as her rage is something you’ll have a hard time dealing with. This usually happens because Scorpios tend to find it hard to control anger in a relationship.
The jealous, controlling, and revengeful sides will end up taking over if Scorpio females feel they are dealing with any sort of injustice. Therefore, they can resort to unfaithful ways to cope with emotions they are unable to face.
In other words, this can make them one of the most unfaithful zodiac signs, so watch out. Don’t do anything that may make her too cross with you, as she could easily react in a very unfavorable way.