Did You Get Ghosted? Here’s How the 12 Zodiac Signs Usually React

Do you know how the zodiac signs react when they get ghosted?

While ghost stories may not appeal to everyone, what if someone you’ve been interacting with or conversing with for some time suddenly disappears? Definitely not pleasant. Ghosting happens when the person you thought was so special suddenly, without any explanation, withdraws from all communication. They simply disappear.

Everyone reacts to heartache differently, and according to astrologers, your zodiac sign can influence how you respond when this happens. For some, moving on is easy, while for others, it takes a while to get back in the game. Some need a quick rebound, while others prefer to get busy and level up their lives.

Being the target of ghosting ultimately speaks more about the person doing the disappearing act than the one waiting for a response. However, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. No two relationships are the same, but sometimes, every heartbreak means you’re one step closer to the right person for you.

But let’s not keep this intro any longer, because you probably want to know how every zodiac responds when getting ghosted. Let’s find out!

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Photo by ShotPrime Studio from shutterstock.com

1. Aries

When an Aries gets ghosted, you’d better believe they’ll blow off some steam. These people can act impulsively and with a fiery temper, but they’ll feel a lot better knowing they express their feelings and emotions.

When they get ghosted, they might find it impossible to avoid sending that person a scathing text to let them know they are aware they’re being ghosted. Even if other zodiac signs might regret getting angry and sending crazy texts, Aries people won’t have a problem because their emotions and peace of mind are the most important things.

2. Taurus

Because they don’t have time for nonsense, Tauruses aren’t scared to block someone who constantly ignores them. If you don’t want them, bye! They’ll sleep better knowing that if their ex reaches out, they’ll see the dreaded green text.

As you can tell, a Taurus won’t be tempted to waste their energy on people who hurt them, even if they never hear from them again. Simple and effective! They can cut people off cold turkey, so watch out!

3. Gemini

When they get ghosted, communication-forward Geminis aren’t scared to double-text. If you cross them, they might become more chatty in public, so you can expect some subtle or not-so-subtle social media posts and stories where they can express how angry they are with your behavior. Even if they don’t mention the person’s name, they don’t shy away from spilling the tea to their followers.

4. Cancer

Since they’re extremely sensitive, it can be difficult for cancers to move on from a person who mysteriously disappeared from their lives. When they get ghosted, these sentimental water signs often cling to the people for a long time before moving on since they romanticize the past and tend to pine over things.

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Photo by Yuliia Bezuglaya from shutterstock.com

5. Leo

Anybody’s ego can be severely damaged by being ghosted, but Leo people know how to turn any situation in their favor. If you leave them on read or you simply don’t reach out anymore, don’t be surprised if you see their se*iest pictures on their social media. That’s just in case the ghost in question is spying a little. They will seize every opportunity to show you what you’ve lost, so pay attention.

6. Virgo

As earth signs with a practical mindset, Virgos seek to make the most sense of their emotions. And they do a wonderful job. If they get ghosted, they have a lot to work through because it feels so confusing and hurtful. In case they don’t succeed in understanding their feelings alone, they will talk to their close friends.

All they need is a few days and a secure area to let it out, but when they’re done being upset about it, they won’t give a single care about the one who hurt them.

7. Libra

Libras enjoy the rush of romance, so when they get ghosted, they feel hurt and upset. However, they’ll quickly move on, as the flirtatious air sign’s favorite way to let go of someone is to find someone new to focus on. Even if it’s merely to divert their attention from the person who left them on hold, Libras know how to use their charm and lovely personalities, so they’re quick to develop a new crush.

…Keep reading to discover how the rest of the zodiac signs react to being ghosted!

8. Scorpio

Scorpio hates being ghosted, and if you cross them, they’ll be sending spiritual daggers in your direction for the rest of time. They’re far too proud to double-text someone if they think they’ll be left on delivery, so don’t expect to hear from them again. However, be prepared to be on their naughty list forever.

9. Sagittarius

Given that Sagittarians don’t tend to keep grudges for very long, they will most likely move on and forget about being ghosted quite quickly. Moreover, they typically have no qualms with checking in or sending a “you up?” to their ghost later on because they are quick to forget and forgive.

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Photo by iona didishvili from shutterstock.com

10. Capricorn

Capricorns are more sensitive than they admit, but being ghosted can be quite painful. However, they don’t tend to stay depressed for very long because they prefer to be busy and focus on themselves. Instead of letting the pain of being ghosted get to them, Capricorns will find other ways to release their energy, like working out at the gym or putting in more effort at work.

At the end of the day, they’re the most important person to themselves, so why waste their energy on someone who did them wrong anyway?

11. Aquarius

Aquarians are known for being a bit distant and the “black cat” in relationships, so sometimes they might unintentionally ghost others too. Even though it never feels good to get ghosted, Aquarians can handle waiting it out without getting too worked up about it.

They allow themselves to feel exactly what they need to feel and then move on without thinking too much about the one who did them wrong. If they get ghosted, don’t expect to see tears or read emotional texts begging for an explanation.

12. Pisces

With their abundance of emotions, Pisces don’t mind showing off how passionate they are. Therefore, if someone ghosts them, they might very well use text messaging to express their feelings and describe precisely how the disappearing act of the ghost affected them.

Sometimes, their genuine and loving attitude makes the ghoster reconsider their behavior, realizing the sweet person they were in touch with. However, once Pisces express their feelings, they can let things go a bit more easily.

Have you ever been ghosted? How did you react? It’s never a good feeling, so we’re curious to find out how you’ve dealt with it. Let us know in the comments below! If you want to learn more about astrology and how zodiac signs react in different situations, here’s a good book for you.

If you enjoyed reading this article and you’d like to check out something else from Inspiring Wishes, here’s a good post for you: 5 Zodiac Signs to Keep the Peace With

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