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6 Most Romantic Zodiac Signs

Photo by Ivanko80 from

5. Libra

Libra is another zodiac sign that is under the reign of Venus, which means that they will surprise their partners with something cute and romantic at any given time. They can easily turn something boring and mundane into something beautiful and meaningful.

They are the types of people that might send you a charming card and maybe some sweet treats to your office just because they feel like it. However, don’t think that they only care about materialistic stuff, as they are more interested in paying attention to what their partners want and need.

…This is not all! Click on the next page to discover more about Libras!

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One Response

  1. I think there is a lot of over-generalizing here. I think there should be some added phrases like “some (whatever)”, and “usually”. It just is not worded realistically. Not all signs are the same. I am an Eastern sign that is very different than my Western sign. I act much much more like my “Chinese” sign.
    People should be appreciated for their entire self, not just because of how good they are in bed. What if they are good in bed, but they are mean to the dog? Or do they Criticize too much? Is that worth the good in-bed part?

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