Gautam Buddha Jayanti celebrates the birth of Gautama Siddhartha who is known as the founder of Buddhism. The main festival is held in the month of Vaishakh month and has a lot of significance among Buddhists. There is a gazetted holiday on the Gautam buddha Jayanti every year.
People observe different rituals in south-east Asian countries and Nepal. Buddha being the believer of ahimsa had spread a lot of teachings that are followed to date. The occasion of Buddha Jayanti reminds us about those teachings and helps us to share Buddha Jayanti 2022 messages & thoughts.
Lord Buddha Jayanti teaching and celebrations
The world runs on the basis of Karma, nothing happens without a reason. Whatever good or bad things happen in our life, it is the repercussions of our own actions. Happy Buddha Purnima quotes and images help us to know a lot about the teachings of Lord Buddha. They tell us to understand Karma so that we do not fear our destiny but predict it very well.
As a part of the Happy Buddha Purnima celebration, people also set birds and animals free from the cages. This reflects one of the most important teachings of Buddha that is empathy and compassion.

Buddha Purnima Images
Quotations and images related to Happy buddha Purnima can be easily found online. Buddha had always been a believer in compassion and non-violence. The auspicious day specifically falls on the full moon dates in the month of April – May. It is said that Buddha is the Avatar of Lord Vishnu. He achieved Nirvana and enlightenment on the same day.
The spiritual leader belongs to Lumbini, Nepal. Buddha Jayanti is celebrated worldwide in different ways. People spread the message of happiness and nonviolence by sharing Happy Birthday Purnima quotes and images.
Colorful pictures having images of Lord Buddha and special quotations are circulated on this day. The Buddha Purnima Quotes clearly convey the message that it is very important for us to remain modest even after achieving everything. The moment we forget the lord above, we happen to catch hold of the wrong pathway that results in our own destruction.
Lord Buddha Pornima Quotes, Images
Quotations that highlight the importance of meditation and spirituality help to enhance our confidence. They can be forwarded on WhatsApp as well as on different social media platforms. People prepare all sorts of recipes on the occasion of Happy Buddha Purnima.
A few groups of people restrict themselves from cooking onion and garlic while others prepare all types of recipes. Kheer is the main recipe for celebration. Different regions of the world celebrate the Buddha Purnima festival in a different way. There are different sections of people who celebrate Buddh Purnima by sharing Happy buddha Purnima images.
Buddha Purnima’s Quotes are highly motivational and take us to the path of enlightenment. Lord Buddha was born as Prince Siddhartha. He gained salvation under the Mahabodhi tree in Bihar.

May Lord Buddha give you the wisdom so that you are led on to the path of peace, love and truth. Here’s wishing you and your family a happy Buddha Purnima.
Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think
Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
Let us celebrate the occasion of Buddha Jayanti by working together to make this world a happier and more peaceful place to life. Warm wishes on Buddha Jayanti to all.
If you knew what I know about the power of giving you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.
Buddha Jayanti 2022
Buddha Jayanti 2022 also observes many people and priests pouring water at the Fort of Sacred Mahabodhi tree where Lord Buddha took salvation. Buddh Purnima is one of the most important festivals that is not only celebrated in India but also in Sri Lanka, Nepal, China, Mongolia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Singapore, and many other places. The methods and strategies of celebration differ from one country to another.
Apart from sharing Buddh Purnima quotes and as a part of the celebration, devotees also offer incense sticks, sweets, and prayers in the Buddha temples. People dress in white-colored outfits and consume vegetarian food specifically.
The basic teachings of Buddha cover up dharma that includes helping people without any return. Buddha spent almost 45 years spreading Dharma teachings that encourage everybody to follow the path of compassion. Happy Budhha Purnima’s quotes help everybody to understand the core values of Buddhism. They reflect what Lord Buddha actually wanted people to follow.

Gautam Buddh Jayanti
The teachings of kindness and compassion still remain alive in the world. Quotes on Buddha Jayanti help us to become Buddha in one and many ways. The encouraging quotations teach us to overcome evil and come up with love for everyone. Buddh Purnima images also talk about Buddhahood.
We as humans must understand the nature of the world and set ourselves free from feelings of jealousy and anger and fear. Humans must always aim to become wise and perfect. Buddha Jayanti celebrations not only talk about merrymaking and preparing good food; rather they also motivate us to become better individuals with time.
Lord Buddha quotes teach us to do good to others so that we receive better things in return. He said that Evil reaps Evil whereas the good receive better. If you want joy and happiness to come on your pathway, you must first learn to spread happiness around you.

Gautam Buddh Jayanti Quotes and Images 2022
The Gautam Buddh’s teachings clearly say that living things take rebirth in different forms just like Dinosaurs and other animals who once became extinct but still continue to live on the face of Earth.
Buddha Purnima’s thoughts help us to embrace the noble path of Buddhism. They also talk about the four noble truths of life and a lot of similar teachings that help to reduce suffering. Once we understand the true meaning of life, it becomes comparatively manageable to overcome our troubles. In order to end the majority of the suffering, we must cut down on greed and ignorance.
May all the darkness and confusion in your life end with the brightness of the moon on the occasion of Buddha Purnima. Warm wishes on Buddha Jayanti.
To Live a Pure Unselfish Life, One Must Count Nothing as One’s Own in the midst of Abundance. Happy Buddha Purnima!
To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.
On the auspicious day of Buddha Purnima may darkness be removed from your life. Happy Buddha Purnima!
Learn this from water: loud splashes the brook but the ocean’s depth is calm.

The images of Sarnath Temple can be also seen as a major part of Happy Birthday Purnima images. Until there was a coronavirus pandemic, people used to attend the elaborate Temple fare held at Sarnath every year. Many Hindu devotees from different parts of the world came to worship Lord Buddha statues. Somehow, the recent scenario includes no such celebrations taking place.
One must change own nature in order to live a life of joy and peace. The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to attain Nirvana and extinct Desire. Sharing quotes on Buddha Purnima create awareness not only about the festival but also about the religion of Buddhism.
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