2. Taurus
This sign is generally known for being very careful with their money. And depending on who you ask, people see them as thoughtful savers or cheapskates. You will never see a Taurus buying something or spending money without doing a lot of research beforehand. They will make a list with all the cons and pros, analyze it, and ask others for opinions before buying something.
Do you know what buyer’s remorse is? If you don’t know, ask a Taurus about it since they experience this quite often. So, it is easy to say that those born under this sign will never spend their money on anything or anyone. Sometimes not even on themselves.
The same as Virgos, the bull wants to know where every penny of theirs goes. Maybe they will not have lists for this, but they have a pretty good memory. And another thing is that they have to owe money to anyone. Ah, and let’s not forget that they also don’t like to give money to other people. So, next time you think about borrowing money from a Taurus, you better say pass.
If you plan to go out with a Taurus, let’s say to the movies or to dinner, be prepared to pay for yourself. Don’t be surprised if they suggest you do that. They prefer it this way, rather than one person paying for the dinner for both of you. So, it is easy to say that Taurus is another one on the list of the stingiest zodiac signs!