Do you feel somehow drawn to witchcraft?
There are only a few people in this world who feel strongly drawn to Witchcraft. This could happen even if they grew up in families where such practice was seen as nothing but superstitious nonsense. In worse cases, the family members might have believed that witchcraft has evil origins that would ultimately lead you to a dark and deadly path. Well, I can only imagine that growing up in such an environment and all of a sudden feeling the call of this craft was nothing less than an interesting experience.
But this isn’t the only scenario: you might have grown up in a perfectly normal and open-minded family. In fact, you might have many flashbacks of your mother or grandmother getting sudden downloads in various situations. “Don’t spend the night at your friend” or “Watch your steps today in the classroom” might have been impromptu pieces of advice your caretakers gave you without telling you why.
Later on, you always discovered that they were onto something. Strange, wasn’t it?
So it’s only normal to wonder where this sudden call comes from. Maybe you had some kind of connection you didn’t know about, in this case, the normal question that might pop up is whether or not you have some magic running through your veins. Is that why your mother always knew when something dangerous was around the corner? Or is that the reason for your father’s adversity for anything related to intuition?

Magical ancestry and bloodlines
Everyone has magical ancestry if you study your family tree long enough. It’s quite inevitable, in fact. There have always been people using a specific form of magic, especially low magic or nature magic. They might have called it a bit differently back then, applied different techniques, and held different views about it, but it’s nonetheless the same.
Too many witches out there truly believe that magic is something that comes from nature itself. In fact, they see it as a natural resource that humans preferred since the beginning of time. Considering everything, it’s also fair to say that everyone has access to it.
When you put it in this perspective, everyone has a birthright to magic. It’s part of all of our bloodline. In fact, a small number of people truly seek to embrace it, and a select few are willing to put in the time and effort to effectively master it.
Discovering your ancestral roots
Now, it’s worth mentioning that the question isn’t if there is magic in your ancestry. There definitely is. The question that might be lingering in your mind is whether or not the line has been broken or you’ve been simply cheated out of your birthright to be brought up in a magical household.
Well, talk about precious family traditions being lost! If you are now more in touch with your magic and you feel ready to dig deeper into the history of your family, here’s how to do so:
Trace your ancestry
This is not always the easiest way to go about it, but technology is allowing nowadays more and more people to trace their family line all the way back to their beginnings. You can get a DNA test done, then take the results and perform your own digging.
Meditate and do trance work
Well, if you’re adept at creative visualization for the majority of your spiritual quests and journeys, you can also use it to explore your own ancestral line. Start visualizing yourself browsing through your past by floating on a raft that goes downstream or even walking down a spiral staircase.
Then, try to get off at specific points when you feel that it would be great to seek out guides who are able to aid you in finding your ancestors. Some people might have trouble believing in all this, thinking it’s only their imagination at work. Well, the imagination can be quite a powerful tool for accessing real information through the subconscious, so you might as well give it a go!
Contact the dead
Necromancy isn’t for beginners, but as soon as you have the needed skills and experience in the craft, you can use them to commune with your ancestral spirits. In fact, if you are lucky enough to have friends who are more advanced in the Craft or you even know psychics who can help you with that, that’s even better.
The end of October through the beginning of November is especially a great period for this practice. There are plenty of techniques that could be used for spirit communication in rituals: scrying, automatic writing, as well as dream work.
Some prefer communicating through divination tools like pendulums, tarot cards, runes, and even Ouija boards. If, in the end, you decide to contact your ancestral spirits yourself, you have to make sure you efficiently master your technique and tool first. You need to protect yourself and the people in your home. Also, don’t forget to learn how to cleanse your space and tools right after, in case you might face an unpleasant encounter.

More about hereditary witches
Many people tend to confuse having witches in your family with being a hereditary witch, but there’s a slight difference. While we all have witches (or any form of magical practitioner) in our ancestry, not all of us can be considered hereditary witches. It’s quite easy to know if you are a hereditary witch. The only thing you need to ask yourself is if you were raised learning witchcraft from a witch or not. If not, then you aren’t a hereditary witch.
It’s also worth mentioning that this has nothing to do with your bloodline or the fact that you should prove you are a direct descendant of someone who once practiced magic. Hereditary witchcraft defines being born and raised in a magical tradition where the practices are directly passed down to the heirs from others who practice it.
There’s an obvious advantage to it: your training starts quite young and is hands-on rather than through reading a lot of books. Those who are brought up in magical families generally don’t have to un-learn as many misconceptions about their magic as those of us who grew up in non-magical families.
Natural witches
Natural witches refer to someone who is a true talent at the Craft, rather than someone who has hereditary qualities related to witchcraft. It points towards those people who are naturally good at it: they pick up quickly, and they have amazing instincts to follow. Some people are simply more gifted at the arts, singing, or working with numbers.
Well, some are more naturally gifted with magic. Some people might even go on to say that those who are “natural” at the craft were witches in at least one, if not more of their past lives. This could easily explain how someone can be so gifted with zero experience in such an area.
Another way you can look at it is that natural witches oftentimes exhibit natural psychic abilities. It’s worth making a distinction here: not all witches are psychics (many don’t practice the craft), but psychic abilities use some parts of your mind and the same discipline witchcraft does. Hence, someone with strong psychic skills who also feels drawn to the Craft might find that learning to practice magic comes easily to them.
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