These 7 Zodiac Matches Are a Disaster

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2. Capricorn and Sagittarius

If you were only able to say a word about a Capricorn, that would be ambitious. People born under this earthly zodiac sign are very focused on their goals, and they don’t let anyone stand in their way of achieving them.

They aren’t stuffy and they’re actually pretty romantic and cute when they’re in love with someone. Both a plus and a minus, Capricorns don’t attach to someone easily, but when they do, they can become very dependable.

On the other hand, even though Sagittarius are also hard-working people, they don’t shy away from using their charm to achieve something they want.

They don’t mind showing up somewhere with their hair messy, for instance, because they’ll use their charisma to find a way out of trouble.

But a Capricorn won’t feel the same way about a Sagittarius’s behavior, especially since they prefer professionalism and seriousness.

If somehow a Capricorn and a Sagittarius manage to get along, they can be one of the greatest couples ever.

But as with everything good in life, a situation like this comes with many sacrifices, because both of these zodiac signs need to admit that they can’t always be right, and we all know that they like being right.

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