7 Signs a Deceased Loved One Wants to Talk to You

Photo by Things from shutterstock.com

3. Dimes

Spiritual mediums say that spirits have the power to make coins appear in unusual and random places as a way to make you pay attention to the things around you.

Moreover, this is typically a method they use to encourage you to see how worthy you are of all the things you want or to let you know that prosperity is coming your way.

However, we all know that coins, especially pennies, are generally found almost everywhere, from the bottom of your bag to the tiny space between your couch and the wall, on the stairs to the subway, or in the bus station, which makes it extra hard to know whether there’s something divine there or a simple coincidence.

Next time you find a coin, pay attention to it. Do you find dimes on a regular basis? How often do you find a nickel and a penny at the same time? Or does the date written on the coin you found have any significance for you? Try answering these questions to see if there’s something special trying to connect with you.

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6 Responses

  1. I believe Jesus died for everyone’s sins. Those are sins from our past, sins now, and sins in the future. But, we need to daily repent of those sins, and each time. Then strive to do better and help others, the lost, and fellow Christians, to understand and do God’s will. What is God’s will? Some people, Religions, organizations, think they have the answer. Some people expect God to fix everything in their lives and then they will believe. God is not a magician. It takes effort. Why would God reveal himself to sarcastic, unfaithful, evil people, that cuss his name, and ignore humanity? Fortunately, God is smarter than man. It’s called Faith. Not fear. God(good), Devil(evil). Trials and tribulations. All written in the Bible. People that ignore this are lost. They think they will get to Heaven if their good deeds outweigh their bad. Unfortunately, no. It’s called Faith. We can never do enough to earn Heaven. If we repent, are then Baptized, confess our sins, and try, even when we fail, to continue our faith, then God will give us understanding. We all have to do that. The other choice is to be evil, ignore, be selfish, and ignorant, leading a secular life that may benefit a few, and ourselves, but have no purpose other than money in the bank. That never leads to happiness. I have tested this. It works. But each individual has to do it. Believing in something you cannot see. It’s Faith. Without works, Faith without works is dead. I hope to see everyone in Heaven.

  2. While these are lovely thoughts, my husband is waiting in slumber for Jesus to come back. I will know him then as we all join in joyful adoration in the glory of God.

  3. After my father passed away nothing unusaul happened right away ut a few weeks later. It all made sense. He was a boxer and of course at the funeral I told stories about watching him train and fight professionally. I also taught some boxing classes in my day. A few weeks earlier I was looking at some boxing training video thinking I should refresh my skills for teaching. One day I went to the gym which happened to have a heavy bag in a secluded room with no overhead music to distract me. I was slipping on my boxing gloves hit the bag that my dad taught me when I was 5 years old and we have newspaper clipping to prove it! A voice came to me “you already know enough.” It was the way he would say it and something he would say while watching me train. I still remind myself when I keep thinking that I have a long way to go to get something done that “I already know enough” and to just relax.

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