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What Astrology Says About Election Day, According to Experts

We are aware of the division in the world right now, especially considering the US presidential elections. With so much going on, from social issues to politics and wars, astrologers wonder if it’s the best time to share their thoughts on these big, polarizing topics.

Many people are curious about the astrology behind the presidential candidates, especially after the debate in June between Trump (a Gemini) and Biden (a Scorpio) that officially brought the start.

However, since Biden dropped out in July, and Kamala Harris stepped in with Tim Walz as the Democratic candidates against Republicans Trump and J.D. Vance, more astrologers started a series to explain what the stars have to say about the election.

Keep in mind that this is an open, inclusive, and respectful point of view, with no support for any candidate. 

election insights
Photo by MR.RAWIN TANPIN from Shutterstock

By analyzing their birth chart, we can observe that all of them are big personalities who live life to the fullest and nothing is halfway for them. Let’s do a quick rundown on their moon signs, as there is an interesting fact. Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden were all born during a full moon.

  • Kamala Harris is an Aries Moon which makes her passionate, determined, and bold. These people tend to be energetic and they are not afraid to fight for the things they believe in.
  • Donald Trump is a Sagittarius Moon, known for being blunt and straightforward, sometimes crossing the limit and becoming controversial. They are adventurous, outspoken, and love to be in the spotlight.
  • Joe Biden is a Taurus Moon, giving him a grounded and steady demeanor. He values stability and practicality, as these moon signs are known to be seen as reliable and comforting.

There are some common things the three politicians have in common considering their moon signs. All three have moon signs that offer them a strong emotional drive. Harris’s Moon makes her fiery and passionate, and Trump’s Moon fuels him with an adventurous and bold sense, while Biden’s Taurus Moon provides a steady and determined approach.

This reflects the emotional intensity that shows up in how they connect with voters in their campaigns and how they fight for their purpose and beliefs. More than this, their moon signs suggest that despite their apparent differences, all of them are emotionally driven, purposeful, resilient, and charismatic leaders and all of these are qualities that helped them succeed in the political arena.

Trump and Harris are the ones remaining in the game. Let’s see the astrological traits that may influence their success in November.

election insights
Photo by Jonah Elkowitz from Shutterstock

Astrologers are watching various planetary alignments and transits to assess Donald Trump’s chances of success in the November 2024 election. These are the key factors:

He has the positive influence of Jupiter, which is the planet of luck and expansion. A harmonious aspect such as a trine or a sextile with Trump’s natal Sun, Midheaven, and North Node, will boost his visibility providing growth opportunities. Astrologers are following Jupiter’s position to see the potential benefits in November.

Saturn transits indicate challenges and opportunities. The key points in Trump’s chart according to Saturn transits might indicate obstacles and increased pressure.

Some unexpected changes are coming with Uranus transits. If the transits are touching the elements in his birth chart can bring sudden changes in how Trump is seen in public opinion and changes in the political landscape.

Overall, Trump’s potential for success may be shaped by a blend of favorable astrological traits, such as the supportive Jupiter alignment, and conversely, challenging aspects coming from Saturn that might bring obstacles, while Uranus is responsible for unexpected changes impacting his campaign.

Additionally, Pluto’s influence might intense scrutiny and transformative events, and the upcoming eclipses signify crucial moments of change in the lead-up to the election.

Jupiter’s benefits connecting with his Sun which is in the 10th house of public affairs, suggest that his career is enhanced, but the lunar eclipse on September 17 comes with challenges and unforeseen events possibly impacting his campaign in a negative way. There is an unpredictable influence of Uranus in his 10th house which may cause surprising and unsettling results for the former President.

On November 5, all those unexpected developments are going to be revealed, as well as power shifts taking place. With Neptune and Uranus both in retrograde, this is a period of reform and progress, possibly a hint for the election of a first in American history.

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Let’s pass to the other candidate with the biggest hype in the public eyes: Kamala Harris

Since President Joe Biden announced his step down from the 2024 race and endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee, she has been a hot topic. Many people are turning to astrology to make predictions about the upcoming election and here is a closer look at what starts might hold for Harris.

Starting with her astrological profile, we can notice that she was born during a full moon in Aries, which is important. The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 marked a transformation in her life, as she was considered for the presidency and pushed into a new chapter.

Some key astrological influencing her success in the elections. Jupiter is known as a greater benefit in astrology. Jupiter is the symbol of luck and expansion. In 2025, from May 25 to June 9, Jupiter will be in Gemini, harmonizing with the North Node of Destiny and the ascendant in Harris’s chart.

Another interesting fact is the transit of Uranus in Taurus which is currently making a challenging aspect to Harris’s natal Saturn in Aquarius. This is a dynamic period of intense change and evolution, and Uranus represents change and transformation, as well as innovation and disruption. It’s especially more important in the context of her political ambitions.

With Saturn symbolizing structure and authority, is suggested that Harris is grappling with significant shifts in her responsibilities.

A similar configuration took place in 2021-2022 when she was nearing her Saturn Return. That was a key moment in astrology, as Saturn returned to the same position it occupied at the time of one’s birth. This was a period of evolution and the current aspect may indicate the moment when Harris started to imagine her future and what she might be like in the President role.

Overall, the chances for success will be influenced by a mix of significant astrological signs. Jupiter alignment plays an important role in her career as it does in Trump’s and it could enhance her public eye image with opportunities for getting recognition.

However, success seems to be on Harris’s side in this election campaign, and not only do her planetary placements suggest a positive outcome, but also a significant astrological event – Pluto Return – coming in the same sign and degree as when the Declaration of Independence was signed back in 1776. Since 2022, the US experienced a return that stirred political changes.

It’s intriguing to see that Harris’s Sun in Libra and Moon Aries are positioned at 27 degrees, the same as the U.S. Pluto, suggesting her candidacy represents a period of renewal and healing, traits that are specific to Pluto. This alignment of Pluto supports a favorable period for Harris and significant potential for triumph.

If you liked our article, read this one next: 7 Lying Zodiac Signs You Should Try to Avoid

These are their bestselling books that you can order via Amazon: The Truths We Hold: An American Journey, by Kamala Harris

Trump: The Biography: From Businessman to 45th President of the United States: Insight and Analysis into the Life of Donald J. Trump, by J.R. MacGregor 

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