Find out all you need to know about their personality!
How would it be to look at someone for 10 seconds and instantly read them? Most of the time we all get a vibe from the people around us but there are actually some things you can follow that will help you understand the personality of someone in no time.
You don’t have to focus on the big things. There are a lot of small clues that expose how people truly are. This is what we want to talk about today. These tricks are probably the best ones you can use to read people.
All of them are based on psychology and we can vet for them that they are effective. So, are you ready to never be fooled again? Read straight through anyone with these incredible methods!

What are they doing when nobody’s looking?
We all put on a show when we are aware that others are looking at us. Why? Most of the time we have parts of our personality that we don’t want to expose right from the bat. This is not a bad thing, but you can take advantage of this human behavior and discover who someone really is without asking a single question.
Try to observe your subjects when they are not in the spotlight. See what they are doing, and you will meet the real them without them even knowing it. As soon as the conversion is not about them, they start to subtly look at them. Are they rolling their eyes when somebody else is speaking? Are they listening closely? Do they look uninterested?
These little clues reveal everything! For example, if they are excited about the conversation only when they are talking, well, this is for sure a red flag. They crave that validation, and if they don’t get it, they will become mad.
So, next time you want to read someone’s personality Pay attention to their background behavior, and you will get all the info that you need.
It’s all about the small promises
Declarations and big commitments? Forget about them! If you really want to know their true personality and how reliable they are, you should observe what happens with the small promises they make.
If they tell you, “No worries, I’ll text you later!” See if they keep this promise. Or “I’ll send you that link.” Did they? Maybe these things look insignificant, but these are the clues that will show you their personality.
By asking little questions and observing if they keep small promises, you can test someone’s character very effectively. If they can’t be bothered to keep their word on the small stuff, how do you think they handle the big things?
Ok, sometimes life happens. People can be busy, and this is not a problem. But if they do manage to not keep their promises every single time, then things are clear. So next time, stop focusing on grand gestures and pay attention to whether they keep their small promises. This is where the truth lies.
Calm or defensive?
How do they handle conflict? This is something that can tell you a lot about their personality! Are they handling it like an adult, or are they just a little screaming child? If the second you make a remark, they explode and react like you’ve just insulted their entire bloodline, then you know what it’s all about.
If you ever offer some mild and constructive feedback and they feel personally attacked, that means they are not able to handle basic disagreement. Even worse, if they try to gaslight you and make you believe that you are the problem, you should just run.
These are just some small things but try to imagine how they would react to a real crisis. Probably not better! Pay attention to how they react to the argument, and you will get all you need to know about their personality.
The way they step into a room
You can learn a lot about a person’s personality just by looking at them entering a room. Yeah, this mint sounds farfetched and boring, but it’s actually true. This is just like a personality test no one is aware they are taking in front of everyone.
The first type you might encounter is the attention-seekers. They enter the room, and they look at everyone like they are expecting standing ovations. They are loud, and they use bold gestures. They are dramatic. Maybe they are just extroverts, but they may also want validation and are hungry for it.
Then you have the type that prefers to melt into the background. Sometimes they are so quiet and discreet that you don’t even notice them if you don’t pay attention. Maybe they’re just shy, maybe they don’t like crowds, or maybe they just enjoy going unnoticed.
Lastly, we have the balanced ones. This is the rarest type. They are not too loud, but you still notice them, and they are not bothered by it. They say hi, make natural eye contact, and don’t seem to be trying too hard.
The way they communicate tells you a lot about their social skills
When we are engaged in a conversation, we tend to focus on what happens in the middle but ignore the way the person we are talking to warps their words. That’s where the real social skills shine. Or don’t if that’s the case.
For example, there are people who are talking to you and talking, and then poof, they just disappear. No “It was nice talking to you” or something else. If someone does that on a regular basis, they might have problems with goodbyes or they don’t care about your interaction.
The “wait, one more thing” guy is someone we all know. They will stay there and talk to you for an indefinite amount of time because they simply can’t let go. You feel like the conversion should have ended ten minutes ago, and they keep going.
Finally, the smooth closer. They know how to leave a conversation without making things feel weird. They are natural, relaxed, and graceful. Talking to them feels good, and it is a release when no drama or awkwardness is involved.

How do they treat those who can’t provide them with anything
This is for sure the ultimate personality test. How do they treat people who can’t do a thing for them? the waiters, cashiers, janitors, or anyone who isn’t there for them in day-to-day life. Pay really close attention to how they interact with these people, and you will know who they truly are.
It’s easy to be polite to someone who can give you something in return. But once the roles get reversed and there is no benefit to gain, some people can become real monsters. If they are rude to servers and cashiers, this is a huge red flag. Treating them badly shows a lack of empathy and respect.
Those who treat everyone with kindness and respect are real gems. A friendly “thank you” can sometimes mean more than you think it could.
Want to learn more about this? Check out this book: OFFICIAL WORKBOOK for Read People Like a Book
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