AVOID These 8 Unfaithful Female Zodiac Signs

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8. Aquarius: The “harmless” flirts

Exuberant, rebellious, and headstrong, the Aquarius personality may be a bit difficult to understand for most people. It’s also one of the most unfaithful zodiac signs.

Aquarius females usually dislike authoritative partners and strive to achieve their own freedom. An Aquarius woman tends to be independent, cares deeply about the things she believes in, and will frequently make sure her voice is heard. Also, due to her determination and progressive attitude, she has a tendency to run from dull and boring situations.

Naturally flirtatious, Aquarius-born women may indulge in so-called “harmless flirting”, and being in a relationship won’t stop them from doing that. While they don’t start their flirtatious journeys with the purpose of cheating, things may escalate very easily.

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