1. Lots of Clutter
Pay attention to your body. What happens inside can have a negative impact on the outside, and vice versa. For example, if you feel angry or sad, your skin reflects that feeling with pale tones and rashes. Also, if you don’t exercise and eat unhealthy food, your mood struggles to feel positive.
Our houses are similar, reacting to what happens outside and inside. When stuff starts to pile up at home—actual stuff and not just emotions—take it as an indicator that something negative is lurking.
Perhaps things are broken or misplaced more often than not. Maybe layers of grime and dust start to build up because you have too much stuff on your head to tend to your house.
There’s also an opposing view when spots in your house that are usually filled with vitality become forgotten and empty, like those empty flower vases you used to adorn with bouquets each week.