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What the Stars Say About Trump and Harris

trump and harris
Photo by Evan El-Amin from Shutterstock

Let’s move to Donald Trump.

He’s a Gemini, and this Sun sign represents Donald Trump’s individuality, vitality, and shining creative energy. He has a strong urge for self-expression, and he’s a deeply curious person.

According to his birth chart, he is a clever and witty person who enjoys intellectual conversations, as he has the habit of collecting and sharing information.

A Gemini with a Virgo ascendant, he is detail-oriented and sees life with an analytical approach. This is also seen in his ability to communicate and make his ideas clear.

The Sun in the Tenth House comes with the ambition of working toward his goals and attaining power, success, and accomplishments. His birth chart says that he prefers roles where he can manage instead of being managed, and this is already obvious. It might be important for him to balance his need for authority with a genuine self-image.

Another aspect in his chart is the 326 opposition between the Sun and Moon, which shows his ability to see multiple sides of a situation that can actually be either an asset for making the right decision or a liability. Moreover, this aspect indicates that he is very sensitive and strong-willed and that his public persona can differ greatly from the private.

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