What the Stars Say About Trump and Harris

Were you wondering if Kamala Harris is a great candidate? There’s only one way to find out! Let’s check her birth chart!

Actually, let’s check both Harris and Trump.

trump and harris
Photo by Paolo Gallo from Shutterstock

Kamala Harris is a Libra. As we already know, the sun sign is not everything, and there is a lot more we’re going to analyze. However, let’s see what her sun sign says about her. Because her sun is blazing through Libra, our politicians seem to be in the presence of someone who is not only sociable but magnetic and sharp.

If you ever wondered why she looks like she’s taking all the looks in a place, this fascination may be helped by her birth chart. Her Libra charm is obvious, as she makes harmony look effortless. However, this quest for balance comes with a hidden agenda.

Ever wondered how she manages to stay so calm and collected even if those around her seem to develop a storm? Well, Libras are known to be masters of keeping peace even with the cost of bending the truth a little. They may feel like it’s better to smooth things over than stir up double, even if this means taking some tough calls.

Under this facade of serenity, there is most likely a lot of idealism and high expectations.

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