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These 9 Zodiac Signs Are Narcissists by Nature, Experts Say

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8. Cancer 

Sometimes, Cancers can be as attention-seeking as narcissists, resorting to any means necessary to maintain their focus.

But on the other hand, they are much too altruistic to be genuine narcissists. However, not all people are the same, and some of them are so focused on their own lives that they forget about those around them and don’t pay attention to others’ needs.

They aren’t proud, emotionless, or manipulative, but they are codependent, pessimistic, and very suspicious.

When people born under the Cancer zodiac sign experience any sort of emotional pain, they might turn inward and become preoccupied with their own feelings of loss and despair.

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4 Responses

  1. Unfortunately narcissism cannot be boiled down to zodiac sign , this article is click bait and doesn’t acknowledge factors that contribute to the making of a narcissist. Or how truly abusive and vile narcissists are.

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