Let’s be honest. Nothing is more mysterious than love. We often don’t really know where it comes from, only that it can appear out of nowhere and wash over us in a way that we can’t even control. Understanding how to effectively tell if you really know someone from a past life could also explain why you feel so incredibly drawn to a specific person.
At some point, we have all met someone who truly impacts us on a far deeper level than we could have imagined. It can shine a light on the relationship dynamics you share with them now. If you truly believe in reincarnation, you already know that the soul continues beyond death.
You are also aware that this life is nothing but one of the countless ones we are bound to have and we already have. With each and every one of them, your soul accumulates karma and learns new things along the way. One of the main ways in which we learn is by teaching one another, as relationships are the true cornerstone of our experience here on Earth.
There is also a high chance that the people from whom we learn the most are the same people who have taught us in the past. After all, we’ve been together in many different incarnations. When you meet a lover, friend, family member, or even an enemy from a past life, there’s also a subconscious part of us that will recognize them. Here’s how to tell we’ve met someone before:

They feel instantly familiar to us
Have you ever stared into someone’s eyes and felt this eerie sense of recognition, even if you’ve never met them before? It’s quite a strange sensation that comes over you upon meeting someone. Well, that sensation is a strong indicator that your souls are very acquainted with each other.
After all, the soul is both timeless and infinite, and just because you haven’t meant them in this life, doesn’t automatically mean that you have never known them in your precious ones.
They elicit a very strong reaction from us
We make these soul contracts with each other way before we are born. We vow to teach each other a series of specific lessons, and it also helps us in our own life journey. That feeling of recognition is there for a reason because it pulls you in.
You were meant to meet this person, hence your intense curiosity about them is exactly what will allow you to pick up where you left off. If you really meet someone and your relationship starts with an intense level of passion, conflict, desire, anger, or distress, there’s a strong chance you share soul ties.
We immediately form the deepest of bonds
One thing that’s definitely true for every karmic relationship is that it starts off very strong. If you found yourself all wrapped up in an intricate whirlwind romance that’s extremely passionate to make you jump into a long-term commitment, there’s a high chance your souls are way too excited about being reunited.
If you are also suddenly involved in a huge conflict with someone else you’ve recently met, it’s also quite possible that you share quite a complicated spiritual history with their soul. Maybe you weren’t on good terms in your previous life and now you are trying to sort through your karma together. Oftentimes, our children and family members are the people we knew in our past lives, which also explains the deep bond we instantly form with them.
We have an intuitive and telepathic connection
When you meet someone you share a long spiritual history with, it’s as if there is already a deeper understanding between you. It’s also as if you already know things about them that you shouldn’t. In fact, there’s no need to fill every moment of silence with words.
You don’t feel pressured into keeping them entertained or putting on any kind of front in their presence. You can just communicate with each other by looking at each other, knowing that whatever is on your mind will be instantly sensed by them.

You can’t stay away from each other
Well, no matter how hard you try, leaving someone you share soul ties with will never be easy. This could manifest as an on-again off-again relationship, in which a breakup just never seems to stick. It seems that there’s a cosmic force beyond your control that’s constantly bringing you back together.
It could also unfold like a divorce that seems too long and drawn out. At times, it feels like it will never end. It might even manifest as a rivalry that consumes a huge portion of your time and energy as if you are both addicted to hating each other or even obsessing over each other. On the bright side, it can also manifest as a loving relationship that lasts until your last breath.
Time doesn’t exist when you are together
Since the connection you share with someone from a past life can be very deep, it often can feel like you are the only two people in the world when you are together. Time really seems to stop when you are in each other’s presence as if the entire universe is fading away and you can’t really focus on anything but each other.
After all, encountering someone that you knew in a past life can be a climactic moment, since your souls planned this meeting long ago. The true reason why you can’t focus on anything else is because they are the main event.
Your relationship is teaching you some difficult lessons
One thing that every past life connection has in common is the fact that it’s always extremely intense and often difficult to experience. There is always so much karma attached to the people you share soul ties with, which is exactly why you were brought back together again in this life.
There are high chance that you still have plenty of unresolved drama from your past lives that are somehow being worked out between you now. Karmic relationships can sometimes feel confusing, overwhelming, all-encompassing, and beyond heart-breaking. In the end, you share quite a history together, and as much as you might want to run away from them, the thought of losing them all over again is just as awful.
Your birth charts say you do
One of the easiest ways to find out if you truly know someone in a past life is to look into their astrological birth charts and the way they affect each other. Since the South Node dictates who and where we have been in our past lives, it’s also the first place to look to when you try to understand our karmic history.
If you have planets in your chart that form a conjunction, opposition, square, or trine with someone else’s South Node, and the other way around, there’s no doubt you were together in a past life.
Your tarot cards say you do
Another amazing way to gain a deeper understanding of how long you have really known someone is to ask for your tarot cards. A wonderful three-card spread would automatically involve these questions: Where have I met this person before? What kind of relationship did we have in our past lives?
Why are we meeting again in this life? If you carefully analyze the imagery and meaning behind the cards you chose for each question, your intuition will automatically piece together the rest of the puzzle and allow you to understand and remember your history together. Chances are, the nature of your relationship will be somehow depicted in those cards as well.
Curious to know more? Here’s a great book that will enlighten you on the matter.
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