3. Boundaries? What Are Those?
It’s common for people to have transparent boundaries or often cross those of others, but for narcissists, these behaviors are the norm. The line between themselves and you is blurry in the minds of narcissists. They resemble little kids quite a bit. Everyone shares their thoughts, feelings, and desires, and they assume that everything is theirs to possess. They own the world.
When told no, narcissists feel startled and extremely humiliated. A narcissist will go to considerable lengths to obtain what they want from you and may use many tactics, including manipulation or sulking. These are all typical and extremely normal narcissistic behaviors.
42 Responses
Thank you for explaining Donald Trump to everyone!
I think you mean The current President. This describes him perfectly.
Of course, I’m sure you actually meant to describe the previous Resident & his gaggle of grifters & junior blood-sucking leeches that he thinks of as his “Trumpian crime family!”
im not for either one …but i would prefer a guy who likes woman as opposed to a pedophile….who also has a crime family…
So you’re bringing up trump and his history.
Posted like a true 12 year old dempcrat.
KAREN..oops I meant carol 😂. It’s hard to read a factual article like this since it seems to be describing you too!!!! Or is it just your lack of education AND your desire to be relevant. Make sure to keep sending the millionaire your money to help pay for all his lawyers. At least he can’t say (or knowing the orange cheeto from my many years living in Manhattan he will) say it’s to build the wall!
Were you asleep during the trumper years ???
No kidding! Amen!
I would clearly say thank you for explaining you to everyone.
So true, he is exactly that. That word in the dictionary should have a picture of Trump beside it.!!
110% yes
Perhaps, but he can back it up.
110% correct!
Actually, most Narcissists are extremely successful individuals. So, yes, it does describe Donald Trump….as well as most successful people in our country, and nearly every politician in nearly every country.
Leave it to a flaming liberal to make it Political..sad
What’s this have to do with Trump?
Beats the Empire of the Biden Crime family. Ill take a Narissistic Trump over a thieving incompetent fruad like Joe Biden eveyday and twice on Sunday, and I’m not a Republican just a man you can see theft, fraud and some really weird sniffing children behaviour that is an embarssment to the American Tax payer. Question what are your thoughts on Hunters Laptop and 10% going to the Big Guy?
My sister is a narcissist
Dealing with a narcissist is exhausting. I only put up with because I am maternal grandmother to his very young son. God gives me the power and correct words to protect my family. God will have His vengeance with this man who does not provide for his innocent child. I am God’s vessel and through HIM I am more than a conqueror. This narcissist will bow his knee to the Lord God Almighty.
Narcissists and the truer they are to the “ideal” narcissist — the more difficult is is to deal with them … its a tough disorder to be subjected to … they are maybe not doing it intentionally — or maybe so … i think there is a spectrum and a tad of narcissism in many of us …. its too bad when innocents are involved … the child … who is innocent but will develop maybe less than innocent qualities as they live in this world … I dont like the images of vengeance and that this person be conquered by a mortal or god even …. that isnt a loving god … but i am sure that god will eradicate this if its evil … if god does exist … i do believe in some creator as man is very vain if he thinks that man created all this … or big bang …
i will send prayers for this man finally coming to terms with his affect on others and his child and i will send prayers for the child for protection and wisdom to survive this …. and prayers for you for understanding of it all … wish your family and friends well
It’s interesting to know the breakdown of a personality like this. I have known someone with all these characteristics and it’s not fun to live with them. They should be seeing a good psychiatrist but they will not recognize they need help. As is pointed out, it’s always someone else who is at fault.
It appears you are describing both Biden and Trump. But the press can see it in only one, despite how clearly evident.
100% agree!
Sounds like H&M, to me
Every single one of these traits describe Donald J. Trump, to a T. Almost as if he is the model for narcissistic personality disorder. And yes, he could become President again….
I think if he wasn’t always having to prove hisself the majority of the time he would feel as compelled to do so.. I mean give the guy a break..
Donald Trump is not just an ordinary narcissist. He is what is defined as a “malignant narcissist”, which is when the narcissism is coupled with sociopathy, or criminal tendencies. He’s a very disturbed human being with a serious psychiatric disability who got to be President!
No disrespect intended, but I believe you may be mistaken. The traits you see also are found in people with high-functioning Aspergers. I believe DT is suffering from Asperger’s symptoms. The way he walks, facial expressions, hair, and clothing all point to this condition. People with Aspergers have no problem saying they are really good at something, so his bragging and boisterous behavior that lacks tact are also symptoms.
Numbers 1 through 8 = Donald Trump! Dangerous man.
Your description of a narcissist is exactly what the people who voted for Donald J. Trump just love about him!
He thinks he is the greatest human being ever born, and that is not a lie!
He would be just like some of today’s parents, and if their children are on a sports team, would argue and maybe physically or verbally assault the coaches or referee’s during the match or game!!
How can anyone think that this person is qualified or able to hold what is considered the most powerful position or office in the entire free World?
Just think about this for a minute, he admires communist leaders and authoritarian leadership, Oh really and people want him back in office (Oval) again????
Seems to me that everyone has different degrees of narcissistic behavior and traits.
Just ask Joe. He’s got all the answers. Dividing our country, relying on our enemies for energy, crime everywhere, runaway inflation, open border with fentanal everywhere and some allies going along with China which is another disaster for our country.
You want a narcissist to “shut up” while blaming you for everything? Just call them a “NARCISSIST”….automatic silent treatment…..lol..
my mom and my daughter are narcisists. They bothh brag about their accomplishments but actually have very low self esteem. Everything is everyone elses problem, they are at fault for nothing- everything someone elses fault. in my daughters case, i am raising one of her children. my daughter has a violent and sudden temper. My mother over exagerates everything- like when shes washing the dishes she counts the forks and spoons and plates etc. instard or washing the dishes she is exhausted because she had to do 21 forks and7 plates and all the frying pans (2) ten bowls etc. this is to make pne feel sorry for her. Believe me- they are no fun to live with.
Trump may be a Narcissist OR have many of those tendencies apparent in his initiatives of his person. Still, most of us humans self indulged to our own interests and prisms, including those who are Trump’s critics, have some Narcissistic tendencies, no matter occupation. Those who vote intelligently in this Republic form of democracy, vote the man’s proposed or actionable leadership policies and skill capabilities to do the country well; his/her personality, faults or prettiness notwithstanding.
how sad it is that in today’s world we make everything political when our personal lives are falling apart as a result of other people’s behavior and our turning away from God. All politicians have to have a level of confidence that exceeds the citizens they serve. They have to be extremely confident and stand firm for what is right and wrong for the country. We need to pray for those who have a desire to serve this country. SERVE THIS COUNTRY. Not the global economy. Who preserve the constitution and more important turn back to acknowledging the one true GOD of the BIBLE who has abundantly blessed this nation.
Narcissism is destructive not only to the narcissist but to those who are affected by their behavior. Best to pray and ask the LORD to give you wisdom on how to best respond to them and pray HE changes them. It is a spiritual war out there…
Dealing with my daughter’s narcissistic boyfriend. It’s hurting my grandchildren and me. Oh yes it’s always everyone else is at fault except him. You can’t live with a narcissist in your life and try to keep your own sanity.
As a citizen of this Nation, I look back to a time when bipartisanship in Washington served a healthy, vigorous debate that, overall, the outcomes gave positive results for the country, while Quit pro-quo was the basis for both sides of the isle feeling heard and had been given due considerations. Ultimately the citizens had dreams and hopes for the Country we all loved and respected. Progress since those days appears through a progressive lens, and has fantastic intention for bettering what our parents and grandparents held as progress. Most of the administrations since, the lawmakers, the supreme courts and FBI, DOJ, and in the name of social Justice, and what it means for women too, maintaining choices for themselves, has developed to a new level of not being heard. The result of many citizens not being heard, naturally heightens emotion on both sides. Today, healthy debate and contentment is rare in societal norm. People from every walk of life are frustrated as never before, to a point that People now demand the right of way for their cause, sort of kin to a head on collision where people in both vehicles might experience destruction, death and blame the other. In between what might have been, and what has actually come to pass for us all. Perhaps we can all agree to view how Americans can recreate acceptable lifestyles according to their own conscience , and can know that together all of our aspirations without judgement or control of our citizenry, offer everyone increased security, cooperation, and healthy bipartisanship. With absence of taking offense one with another. None of us will receive everything on our wish lists. That’s a fact…however an err of entitlement , constant demands, and viewing our societal health from a view through the lenses of every cause, has created an endless stream of discontentment instead of healthy progress. There has been created an overwhelming number of causes that are becoming non negotiables. Let us not forget the give and take with acceptable compromises. Let us give ourselves more breathing room to consider all viewpoints, and together adopt a system of governance that will embrace a non perfect order of things. As time passes, and we remain hopeful, we regulate ourselves according to prosperity in all things, regardless of differing needs. Let us together put a stop to unjust laws and policies that are the groundwork of so much conflict. We might do very well to abandon dishonesty, broken promises, taking and dishing out offensive behaviors. Never never lose sight of our futures. Be kind. Use common sense approaches… agree to disagree
We can’t all be at the front of the line. All of us must wait our turn. No one in that line is less considered than the other.
My younger sister is the definition of a narcissists and is also executor over my parents trust. Of course she is daddy’s little girl and yeah for me. I have had to permanently distance myself from my family for self preservation and have been leaning on the lord in prayer to heal from the hurt that she has targeted me with for her self gain. The lord has blessed me by providing more than I need and it is a true tragedy and I truly feel sorry for her. I would not wish this scenario on anyone.