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What the Stars Say About Trump and Harris

trump harris
Photo by New Africa from Shutterstock

The 75 Sextile between the Sun and Mars

This aspect shows he is a person who faces challenges with spirited confidence, and he has a natural competitiveness that is well-received by his opponents. According to the astral map, he strongly believes in fair play, and even if he’s competitive, he is not combative, and he respects the rules of competition. Also, this aspect talks about his physical vitality which is prone to being good, about the control that he has over his instincts and desires, and about the respect he has for transparent behavior.

The Trine between the Sun and Jupiter says Donald Trump is an optimistic and generous person who fosters good morals and faith along with respect for order, equality, and law. He is quick to humor and finds a lot of life circumstances hilarious.

The conjunction between the Sun and Uranus shows that he possesses much self-integrity, values honesty and truth, and is easily related to all kinds of people from all walks of life. He seems to be a fair person, open-minded, and rarely shocked by human behavior.

The 32 Square between Mars and Midheaven talks about his potential professional setbacks that are related to some imprudent actions. The fact that deep down he is a person who actually controls impulses makes him struggle with direct self-assertion that may cause him anger and lead to potential impulsive action. This aspect indicates a tendency to act without enough forethought which can really bring changes and obstacles in his career.

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